Business Data Lappeenranta / B2B Data in Lappeenranta

With a 100% of companies based in the city of Lappeenranta, Techsalerator has access to the highest B2B count of Data/ Business Data  list in the Finland city of Lappeenranta.   We...
SKU: N/A  Business Data

With a 100% of companies based in the city of Lappeenranta, Techsalerator has access to the highest B2B count of Data/ Business Data  list in the Finland city of Lappeenranta.


We can select the Perfect set based on location, revenue, number of employees, revenue, years in business as well as 40 other fields.


We cover the following elements on the businesses and more : 

fieldName description
BuildDate Date when a country was republished the last time
TotalRecords Number of records
UniqueID Unique identification number
UniversalPublicationId techsalerator world wide publication id
BulkOrigin Bulk source name
BulkUniqueId Bulk source internal id
BusFlag Code 0 means presence of personal name
CompanyName CompanyName = BusinessName = FullName = Name (Registered and/or No name type but multiple source validating)
TradeName TradeName= TradeStyle (Doing business as)
DirectoryName DirectoryName= ListedName = ListingName (Name to be published in the White and/or Yellowpages)
NamingMethod Code that mentions the origine of DirectoryName and validation (only Spain)
Address1 Name of the street and house number
Address2 Additional adress information
AddressStreet Street name from address
AddressHouseNumber House number from address
PostCode Postal code / ZIP code
City Name of the city
Province Name of the province
Country Name of the country
Language Contact language
Phone Telephone number
Fax Fax number
Mobile Mobile phone number
Website Website adress / URL
WebsiteStatusFlag Website Global Liveness Check Flag (1=Live during the last checks, 0=not Live during the last checks)
Email Email address
NationalID National identification number
Longitude Geo positioning code
Latitude Geo positioning code
LongitudeGeo Geo positioning code (projected on the street geometry)
LatitudeGeo Geo positioning code (projected on the street geometry)
GeoLevel Level of geocoding 1 = town, 2 = street, 3 = block
GeoConfidence score comparison between adres and geocoding (0,00 lowest level to 1,00 best level)
techsaleratorCode01 Business category with techsalerator code 01
techsaleratorCode02 Business category with techsalerator code 02
techsaleratorCode03 Business category with techsalerator code 03
techsaleratorCode04 Business category with techsalerator code 04
techsaleratorCode05 Business category with techsalerator code 05
techsaleratorCode06 Business category with techsalerator code 06
techsaleratorCode07 Business category with techsalerator code 07
techsaleratorCode08 Business category with techsalerator code 08
techsaleratorCode09 Business category with techsalerator code 09
techsaleratorCode10 Business categorie with techsalerator code 10
IsQualified Flag indicating that techsalerator code is matches to adres (1 = yes / 0 = no)
LocalCodeType Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode01 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode02 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode03 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode04 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode05 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode06 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode07 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode08 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode09 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode10 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode11 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode12 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode13 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode14 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode15 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
InternationalCodeType International code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode01 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode02 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode03 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode04 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode05 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode06 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
StdRegionCode Standard region code produced by the geocoding process
StdRegionName Standard region name produced by the geocoding process
StdProvinceCode Standard province code produced by the geocoding process
StdProvinceName Standard province name produced by the geocoding process
StdCityCode Standard city code produced by the geocoding process
StdCityName Standard city name produced by the geocoding process
StdLocalityCode Standard locality code produced by the geocoding process
StdLocalityName Standard locality name produced by the geocoding process
StdStreetCode Standard street code produced by the geocoding process
StdStreetSegmentID Standard street segment code produced by the geocoding process
StdStreetPostCode Standard street segment postal code produced by the geocoding process
StdStreetName Standard street name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdRegionCode Alternative standard (secondary language)region code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdRegionName Alternative standard (secondary language)region name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdProvinceCode Alternative standard (secondary language)province code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdProvinceName Alternative standard (secondary language)province name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdCityCode Alternative standard (secondary language)city code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdCityName Alternative standard (secondary language)city name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdLocalityCode Alternative standard (secondary language)locality code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdLocalityName Alternative standard (secondary language)locality name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdStreetCode Alternative standard (secondary language)street code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdStreetName Alternative standard (secondary language)street name produced by the geocoding process
AltCompanyName Alternative CompanyName = BusinessName = FullName = Name (Registered and/or No name type but multiple souce validating)
AltTradeName Alternative TradeName= TradeStyle (Doing business as)
AltDirectoryName Alternative DirectoryName= ListedName = ListingName (Name to be published in the White and/or Yellowpages)
AltLanguage Alternative language
PublicationFlag Boolean publication flag
PublicationLastStatusChange Last update date in publication
PublicationWebInfoFlag Boolean web info presence flag
PublicationWebInfoBlockedFlag Boolean web info publishing desable flag
PublicationFinancialInfoFlag Boolean financial info presence flag
PublicationFinancialInfoBlockedFlag Boolean financial info publishing desable flag
ListingPackage Premimum package name
ListingRanking Package ranking
ListingRadius Package geographical influence
AlttechsaleratorCode01 Alternative techsalerator code01 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode02 Alternative techsalerator code02 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode03 Alternative techsalerator code03 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode04 Alternative techsalerator code04 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode05 Alternative techsalerator code05 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode06 Alternative techsalerator code06 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode07 Alternative techsalerator code07 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode08 Alternative techsalerator code08 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode09 Alternative techsalerator code09 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode10 Alternative techsalerator code10 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
MailingAddress Mailing location of the business (i.e. post office box)
MailingCityName City name used for mailing address.Generally in local language.
MailingCountyName Name of the county (aka secondary subdivision) where the business is located for mailing address.
MailingStateProvinceName Name of state/province (aka primary subdivision) used for mailing address.Generally in local language.
MailingContryName Name of the country name in English where the business is located for the mailing address. 
MailingCityCode Geographical code which indicates the city where the business is located for mailing address.For US records, the code is unique within COUNTY, for non-US records, the code is unique within COUNTRY.Geographical codes provide one unique code value for v
MailingCountyCode Geographical code which indicates the county where the business is located for mailing address.Populated in US and Canada only; unique within state/province.Zeros if not available.
MailingStateProvinceCode Geographical code which indicates the state/province where the business is located for mailing address. Only validated state/province names carry a state/province code.Zeros if not available.
MailingStateProvinceAbbreviation Abbreviations for the state/province name where the business mailing address is located.
MailingCountryCode Three-digit country code which indicates the country where the mailing address of the business is located.Assigned by techsalerator for the techsalerator Global Business Database and other global products.
MailingPostalCode Postal or zip code for the mailing location of the business.
MailingRegionContinentCode Code which indicates the region of the mailing address of the business.
1 = Africa2 = Australia/Asia3 = Europe
4 = Middle East5 = South & Central America
6 = North America
NationalIdentificationNumber Business identification number used in some countries for business registration and tax collection.Examples include VAT Numbers, CRO numbers (UK), Siren numbers (France).FEIN Number (US) is not included in the techsalerator Global Business Database. 
NationalIdentificationTypeCode Code that identifies the type of National ID number provided; i.e. ‘12’ = CRO, ‘14’ = Siren.
CountryAccessCode The international dialing code used to access the country phone system from outside the country.Can be 1 to 4 digits.
SourcePhone Telephone number for the business with no formatting or punctuation.Lengths of telephone numbers are country specific and may vary in length within country.The international dialing code is not included in the telephone number.
SourceFax The fax number of the business.Provided as entered in the local database with no formatting or punctuation.Note: US does NOT supply fax number to the techsalerator Global Business Database.
SourceMobile Mobile number for the business with no formatting or punctuation.Lengths of mobile numbers are country specific and may vary in length within country.The international dialing code is not included in the mobile number.
CEOName The principal with the highest ranking authority of the business at this location.
CEOTitle The title (in English) of the principal with the highest authority at this location.May be abbreviated.
LineOfBusiness Narrative description in English of the operations or activities of the business.Relates to the primary four-digit 1987 US SIC.
PrimaryLocalActivityCode The local industry classification code if different from the 1987 US SIC.Examples include 1972 US SIC, SBA, APE, and NACE.
LocalActivityTypeCode If Primary Local Activity Code is available, this indicator identifies which activity code type is provided.A table listing of all acceptable code values is available.For example, ‘60’ = 1972 US SIC.
YearStarted A four-digit numeric field representing the year that the current ownership of the business has taken control or the year established if no control change has taken place.Not available on branch records.
SalesVolume Sales value for the business in local currency.See Currency Code-position 908-911 to determine currency provided for Sales figure.Sales figure can be a consolidated figure to include Sales for the business and all subsidiary and branch locations OR a 
SalesVolumeReliabilityCode 0 - actual
1 - low end of the range
2 - estimated (all records) or not available when sales is greater than zero (all records) or modeled (US records)
3 - modeled (non US records)
blank - Not Available when Sales equal 0.
SalesVolumeDollars Sales value for the business in US dollars.If Sales value is collected in different local currency, local values are converted to US dollars.Signed decimal field.
Note: Data is converted to US dollars based on the date of the financial figures/stateme
CurrencyCode Code indicating which currency the financial figures data (Sales, Net Worth, Profit/Loss) is represented.A table listing of all acceptable code values is available.For example, ‘280’ = Japanese Yen.
EmployeesHere The number of employees at this location.
EmployeesHereReliabilityCode Code value indicating the source reliability of the Employee Here figure:
0 - actual
1 - low end of the range
2 - estimated (all records) or not available when Employees Here is greater than zero (all records) or modeled (US records)
3 - modeled (non US r
EmployeesTotal The total number of employees in the business organization.The employee figure can be a consolidated figure to include Employee counts for the business and all subsidiary and branch locations OR a non-consolidated figure.Consolidated Employee is prefe
EmployeesTotalReliabilityCode Code value indicating the source reliability of the Employee Total figure:
0 - actual
1 - low end of the range
2 - estimated (all records) or not available when Employees Total is greater than zero (all records) or modeled (US records)
3 - modeled (non US
PrincipalsIncludedIndicator Indicates that the principals are included in the employee total figure. (‘Y’ = included)Primarily available on non-US records.
ImportExportAgentCode Information which indicates that the business either imports materials for re-manufacture or sale, exports products to other countries, or both.
Values include:
BImports & Exports
DImports & Agent
LegalStatusCode Code that identifies the legal status/structure of the business:
Possible codes are:
blank or 0 = Not Available
3 = Corporation
8 = Joint Venture
12 = Partnership
13 = Proprietorship
120 = Foreign Company
A table listing of all acceptable code values is a
StatusCode  Code that provides business data of the record:
0=Single Location - no other entities report to the business
1=Headquarter/Parent - branches and/or subsidiaries report
to the business
2=Branch - secondary location to a headquarte
SubsidiaryIndicator  code which indicates whether the business is a subsidiary.
0=Not a subsidiary
3=Is a subsidiary
Populated on linked records only; otherwise blank.
OldUniqueId Old Unique identification number
FullReportDate The date when a complete review of all Business Information Report data was updated about the business.The format of the field is YYYYMMDD.Data collection methods have changed and updates are more frequent to sections of the business report.Report D
ParentUniqueId Parent Unique identification number
ParentBusinessName The primary name of the Parent/Headquarter company.Blank if not linked.
ParentStreetAddress Physical street address of the Parent/Headquarter company.Blank if not linked.
ParentCityName City where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentStateProvinceName State/province where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentCountryName Name of country in English where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentCityCode Code of the city where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentCountyCode Code of the county where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Present when Parent/Headquarter is located in US or Canada.Blank if not linked.
ParentStateProvinceAbbreviation Abbreviated state name where Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentCountryCode Three-digit code for the country where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentPostalCode Postal or zip code where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentRegionContinentCode Code for the region where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateUniqueId Ultimate Domestic Unique identification number
DomesticUltimateBusinessName The primary name of the domestic ultimate business.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateStreetAddress Physical street address of the domestic ultimate company.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateCityName Name of the city where the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateStateProvinceName Name of the state or province in which the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateCityCode Code for the city where the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateCountryCode Code for the country where the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateStateProvinceAbbreviation Abbreviated name of the state or province in which the domestic is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimatePostalCode Postal code for the city in which the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateIndicator If ‘Y’, this case is the global ultimate, otherwise ‘N’.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateUniqueId Ultimate Global Unique identification number
GlobalUltimateBusinessName Name of the ultimate company.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateStreetAddress Physical address of the ultimate company.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCityName Name of the city where the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateStateProvinceName Name of the state or province in which the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCountryName Name of the country where the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCityCode Code for the city where the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCountyCode Code for the county where the ultimate company is located.Present when US or Canadian ultimate.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateStateProvinceAbbreviation Abbreviated name of the state/province where the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCountryCode Code for the country where the company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimatePostalCode Postal (ZIP) code of the ultimate company.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateRegionContinentCode Code for the region in which the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
NumberOfFamilyMembers The number of family members including the global ultimate and all subsidiaries and branches of the entire family tree worldwide.Every family member of tree carries the same count.Blank if not linked.
DIASCode A code which sequences a file in order by ultimate parent name and family sequence within each group.Blank if not linked.
HierarchyCode A two-position code, used with the status and subsidiary indicators, can pinpoint the exact location of a business entity within a family tree.The hierarchy on the global ultimate = 01.A branch hierarchy is the same value as it’s headquarter.A subsidary
OOB A code which indicates whether the company is known to be out of business.
N = Active
Y = Out of Business
MarketabilityIndicator A code which indicates whether techsalerator rates this business as Marketable or not:
N = Not Marketable
Y = Marketable
WebEmail Email detected on the company's website
WebSocialLinks Social Links detected on the company's website
LastUpdate Date of last modification 
SourceVersionCode Internal bulk ressource name and version

, Techsalerator has access to the highest B2B count of Data/ Business Data  list in the French city of Chambéry .

We can select the Perfect set based on location, revenue, number of employees, revenue, years in business as well as 40 other fields.


We cover the following elements on the businesses and more : 

fieldName description
BuildDate Date when a country was republished the last time
TotalRecords Number of records
UniqueID Unique identification number
UniversalPublicationId techsalerator world wide publication id
BulkOrigin Bulk source name
BulkUniqueId Bulk source internal id
BusFlag Code 0 means presence of personal name
CompanyName CompanyName = BusinessName = FullName = Name (Registered and/or No name type but multiple source validating)
TradeName TradeName= TradeStyle (Doing business as)
DirectoryName DirectoryName= ListedName = ListingName (Name to be published in the White and/or Yellowpages)
NamingMethod Code that mentions the origine of DirectoryName and validation (only Spain)
Address1 Name of the street and house number
Address2 Additional adress information
AddressStreet Street name from address
AddressHouseNumber House number from address
PostCode Postal code / ZIP code
City Name of the city
Province Name of the province
Country Name of the country
Language Contact language
Phone Telephone number
Fax Fax number
Mobile Mobile phone number
Website Website adress / URL
WebsiteStatusFlag Website Global Liveness Check Flag (1=Live during the last checks, 0=not Live during the last checks)
Email Email address
NationalID National identification number
Longitude Geo positioning code
Latitude Geo positioning code
LongitudeGeo Geo positioning code (projected on the street geometry)
LatitudeGeo Geo positioning code (projected on the street geometry)
GeoLevel Level of geocoding 1 = town, 2 = street, 3 = block
GeoConfidence score comparison between adres and geocoding (0,00 lowest level to 1,00 best level)
techsaleratorCode01 Business category with techsalerator code 01
techsaleratorCode02 Business category with techsalerator code 02
techsaleratorCode03 Business category with techsalerator code 03
techsaleratorCode04 Business category with techsalerator code 04
techsaleratorCode05 Business category with techsalerator code 05
techsaleratorCode06 Business category with techsalerator code 06
techsaleratorCode07 Business category with techsalerator code 07
techsaleratorCode08 Business category with techsalerator code 08
techsaleratorCode09 Business category with techsalerator code 09
techsaleratorCode10 Business categorie with techsalerator code 10
IsQualified Flag indicating that techsalerator code is matches to adres (1 = yes / 0 = no)
LocalCodeType Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode01 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode02 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode03 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode04 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode05 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode06 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode07 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode08 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode09 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode10 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode11 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode12 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode13 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode14 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
LocalCode15 Business category with Local code type (NACEBEL/NAF…)
InternationalCodeType International code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode01 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode02 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode03 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode04 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode05 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
InternationalCode06 Business category with International country code type (SIC87/SIC8/….)
StdRegionCode Standard region code produced by the geocoding process
StdRegionName Standard region name produced by the geocoding process
StdProvinceCode Standard province code produced by the geocoding process
StdProvinceName Standard province name produced by the geocoding process
StdCityCode Standard city code produced by the geocoding process
StdCityName Standard city name produced by the geocoding process
StdLocalityCode Standard locality code produced by the geocoding process
StdLocalityName Standard locality name produced by the geocoding process
StdStreetCode Standard street code produced by the geocoding process
StdStreetSegmentID Standard street segment code produced by the geocoding process
StdStreetPostCode Standard street segment postal code produced by the geocoding process
StdStreetName Standard street name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdRegionCode Alternative standard (secondary language)region code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdRegionName Alternative standard (secondary language)region name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdProvinceCode Alternative standard (secondary language)province code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdProvinceName Alternative standard (secondary language)province name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdCityCode Alternative standard (secondary language)city code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdCityName Alternative standard (secondary language)city name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdLocalityCode Alternative standard (secondary language)locality code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdLocalityName Alternative standard (secondary language)locality name produced by the geocoding process
AltStdStreetCode Alternative standard (secondary language)street code produced by the geocoding process
AltStdStreetName Alternative standard (secondary language)street name produced by the geocoding process
AltCompanyName Alternative CompanyName = BusinessName = FullName = Name (Registered and/or No name type but multiple souce validating)
AltTradeName Alternative TradeName= TradeStyle (Doing business as)
AltDirectoryName Alternative DirectoryName= ListedName = ListingName (Name to be published in the White and/or Yellowpages)
AltLanguage Alternative language
PublicationFlag Boolean publication flag
PublicationLastStatusChange Last update date in publication
PublicationWebInfoFlag Boolean web info presence flag
PublicationWebInfoBlockedFlag Boolean web info publishing desable flag
PublicationFinancialInfoFlag Boolean financial info presence flag
PublicationFinancialInfoBlockedFlag Boolean financial info publishing desable flag
ListingPackage Premimum package name
ListingRanking Package ranking
ListingRadius Package geographical influence
AlttechsaleratorCode01 Alternative techsalerator code01 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode02 Alternative techsalerator code02 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode03 Alternative techsalerator code03 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode04 Alternative techsalerator code04 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode05 Alternative techsalerator code05 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode06 Alternative techsalerator code06 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode07 Alternative techsalerator code07 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode08 Alternative techsalerator code08 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode09 Alternative techsalerator code09 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
AlttechsaleratorCode10 Alternative techsalerator code10 produced by the mapping international to techsalerator
MailingAddress Mailing location of the business (i.e. post office box)
MailingCityName City name used for mailing address.Generally in local language.
MailingCountyName Name of the county (aka secondary subdivision) where the business is located for mailing address.
MailingStateProvinceName Name of state/province (aka primary subdivision) used for mailing address.Generally in local language.
MailingContryName Name of the country name in English where the business is located for the mailing address. 
MailingCityCode Geographical code which indicates the city where the business is located for mailing address.For US records, the code is unique within COUNTY, for non-US records, the code is unique within COUNTRY.Geographical codes provide one unique code value for v
MailingCountyCode Geographical code which indicates the county where the business is located for mailing address.Populated in US and Canada only; unique within state/province.Zeros if not available.
MailingStateProvinceCode Geographical code which indicates the state/province where the business is located for mailing address. Only validated state/province names carry a state/province code.Zeros if not available.
MailingStateProvinceAbbreviation Abbreviations for the state/province name where the business mailing address is located.
MailingCountryCode Three-digit country code which indicates the country where the mailing address of the business is located.Assigned by techsalerator for the techsalerator Global Business Database and other global products.
MailingPostalCode Postal or zip code for the mailing location of the business.
MailingRegionContinentCode Code which indicates the region of the mailing address of the business.
1 = Africa2 = Australia/Asia3 = Europe
4 = Middle East5 = South & Central America
6 = North America
NationalIdentificationNumber Business identification number used in some countries for business registration and tax collection.Examples include VAT Numbers, CRO numbers (UK), Siren numbers (France).FEIN Number (US) is not included in the techsalerator Global Business Database. 
NationalIdentificationTypeCode Code that identifies the type of National ID number provided; i.e. ‘12’ = CRO, ‘14’ = Siren.
CountryAccessCode The international dialing code used to access the country phone system from outside the country.Can be 1 to 4 digits.
SourcePhone Telephone number for the business with no formatting or punctuation.Lengths of telephone numbers are country specific and may vary in length within country.The international dialing code is not included in the telephone number.
SourceFax The fax number of the business.Provided as entered in the local database with no formatting or punctuation.Note: US does NOT supply fax number to the techsalerator Global Business Database.
SourceMobile Mobile number for the business with no formatting or punctuation.Lengths of mobile numbers are country specific and may vary in length within country.The international dialing code is not included in the mobile number.
CEOName The principal with the highest ranking authority of the business at this location.
CEOTitle The title (in English) of the principal with the highest authority at this location.May be abbreviated.
LineOfBusiness Narrative description in English of the operations or activities of the business.Relates to the primary four-digit 1987 US SIC.
PrimaryLocalActivityCode The local industry classification code if different from the 1987 US SIC.Examples include 1972 US SIC, SBA, APE, and NACE.
LocalActivityTypeCode If Primary Local Activity Code is available, this indicator identifies which activity code type is provided.A table listing of all acceptable code values is available.For example, ‘60’ = 1972 US SIC.
YearStarted A four-digit numeric field representing the year that the current ownership of the business has taken control or the year established if no control change has taken place.Not available on branch records.
SalesVolume Sales value for the business in local currency.See Currency Code-position 908-911 to determine currency provided for Sales figure.Sales figure can be a consolidated figure to include Sales for the business and all subsidiary and branch locations OR a 
SalesVolumeReliabilityCode 0 - actual
1 - low end of the range
2 - estimated (all records) or not available when sales is greater than zero (all records) or modeled (US records)
3 - modeled (non US records)
blank - Not Available when Sales equal 0.
SalesVolumeDollars Sales value for the business in US dollars.If Sales value is collected in different local currency, local values are converted to US dollars.Signed decimal field.
Note: Data is converted to US dollars based on the date of the financial figures/stateme
CurrencyCode Code indicating which currency the financial figures data (Sales, Net Worth, Profit/Loss) is represented.A table listing of all acceptable code values is available.For example, ‘280’ = Japanese Yen.
EmployeesHere The number of employees at this location.
EmployeesHereReliabilityCode Code value indicating the source reliability of the Employee Here figure:
0 - actual
1 - low end of the range
2 - estimated (all records) or not available when Employees Here is greater than zero (all records) or modeled (US records)
3 - modeled (non US r
EmployeesTotal The total number of employees in the business organization.The employee figure can be a consolidated figure to include Employee counts for the business and all subsidiary and branch locations OR a non-consolidated figure.Consolidated Employee is prefe
EmployeesTotalReliabilityCode Code value indicating the source reliability of the Employee Total figure:
0 - actual
1 - low end of the range
2 - estimated (all records) or not available when Employees Total is greater than zero (all records) or modeled (US records)
3 - modeled (non US
PrincipalsIncludedIndicator Indicates that the principals are included in the employee total figure. (‘Y’ = included)Primarily available on non-US records.
ImportExportAgentCode Information which indicates that the business either imports materials for re-manufacture or sale, exports products to other countries, or both.
Values include:
BImports & Exports
DImports & Agent
LegalStatusCode Code that identifies the legal status/structure of the business:
Possible codes are:
blank or 0 = Not Available
3 = Corporation
8 = Joint Venture
12 = Partnership
13 = Proprietorship
120 = Foreign Company
A table listing of all acceptable code values is a
StatusCode  Code that provides business data of the record:
0=Single Location - no other entities report to the business
1=Headquarter/Parent - branches and/or subsidiaries report
to the business
2=Branch - secondary location to a headquarte
SubsidiaryIndicator  code which indicates whether the business is a subsidiary.
0=Not a subsidiary
3=Is a subsidiary
Populated on linked records only; otherwise blank.
OldUniqueId Old Unique identification number
FullReportDate The date when a complete review of all Business Information Report data was updated about the business.The format of the field is YYYYMMDD.Data collection methods have changed and updates are more frequent to sections of the business report.Report D
ParentUniqueId Parent Unique identification number
ParentBusinessName The primary name of the Parent/Headquarter company.Blank if not linked.
ParentStreetAddress Physical street address of the Parent/Headquarter company.Blank if not linked.
ParentCityName City where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentStateProvinceName State/province where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentCountryName Name of country in English where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentCityCode Code of the city where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentCountyCode Code of the county where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Present when Parent/Headquarter is located in US or Canada.Blank if not linked.
ParentStateProvinceAbbreviation Abbreviated state name where Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentCountryCode Three-digit code for the country where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentPostalCode Postal or zip code where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
ParentRegionContinentCode Code for the region where the Parent/Headquarter is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateUniqueId Ultimate Domestic Unique identification number
DomesticUltimateBusinessName The primary name of the domestic ultimate business.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateStreetAddress Physical street address of the domestic ultimate company.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateCityName Name of the city where the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateStateProvinceName Name of the state or province in which the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateCityCode Code for the city where the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateCountryCode Code for the country where the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimateStateProvinceAbbreviation Abbreviated name of the state or province in which the domestic is located.Blank if not linked.
DomesticUltimatePostalCode Postal code for the city in which the domestic ultimate is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateIndicator If ‘Y’, this case is the global ultimate, otherwise ‘N’.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateUniqueId Ultimate Global Unique identification number
GlobalUltimateBusinessName Name of the ultimate company.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateStreetAddress Physical address of the ultimate company.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCityName Name of the city where the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateStateProvinceName Name of the state or province in which the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCountryName Name of the country where the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCityCode Code for the city where the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCountyCode Code for the county where the ultimate company is located.Present when US or Canadian ultimate.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateStateProvinceAbbreviation Abbreviated name of the state/province where the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateCountryCode Code for the country where the company is located.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimatePostalCode Postal (ZIP) code of the ultimate company.Blank if not linked.
GlobalUltimateRegionContinentCode Code for the region in which the ultimate company is located.Blank if not linked.
NumberOfFamilyMembers The number of family members including the global ultimate and all subsidiaries and branches of the entire family tree worldwide.Every family member of tree carries the same count.Blank if not linked.
DIASCode A code which sequences a file in order by ultimate parent name and family sequence within each group.Blank if not linked.
HierarchyCode A two-position code, used with the status and subsidiary indicators, can pinpoint the exact location of a business entity within a family tree.The hierarchy on the global ultimate = 01.A branch hierarchy is the same value as it’s headquarter.A subsidary
OOB A code which indicates whether the company is known to be out of business.
N = Active
Y = Out of Business
MarketabilityIndicator A code which indicates whether techsalerator rates this business as Marketable or not:
N = Not Marketable
Y = Marketable
WebEmail Email detected on the company's website
WebSocialLinks Social Links detected on the company's website
LastUpdate Date of last modification 
SourceVersionCode Internal bulk ressource name and version
Shipping & Delivery